Targeted Drug Delivery to Brain Tumors
We aim to establish a fundamentally new targeted administration of chemotherapeutic drugs into the immediate vicinity of tumors to achieve greater efficacy than systemic drug application and to reduce adverse effects. To achieve optimized spatial restriction of chemotherapeutic treatment of brain cancers such as glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), we aim at the development of a novel implant based on the technology of Organic Electronic Ionic Pumps (OEIPs) in cooperation with partners from Linköping University (LiU, SE). This technology shall be incorporated into a brain implant, which is filled with approved and potent chemotherapeutics that also serve as radiosensitizers, however, are restricted by the blood brain barrier. These drugs that can barely cross the blood brain barrier are therefore generally of limited applicability to brain tumours. Hence, the OEIP-based implant will be optimized for local application via precise electronic controllability of dosing and timing using glioblastoma cell lines and patient-derived glioblastoma cells and tissue.
TAI 245 1000 Ideas Project
ÖAW Doc fellowship to Linda Waldherr
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Email: rainer.schindl@medunigraz.at