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Schindl Lab

Research Fields

Calcium Signaling

We investigate ion-channel function and its role in signal transduction and gene regulation. Our research focuses on the…

Drug Delivery

We aim to establish a fundamentally new targeted administration of chemotherapeutic drugs into the…

Neuronal stimulation

We work on the neuro-electronic interface to stimulate neuronal cell signalling via opto-electronic stimulation. Photocap…

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The Schindl Lab


We are a research group lead by Rainer Schindl located at the Medical University of Graz at the Institute of Biophysics.

Our multifaceted and multidisciplinary science projects are conducted in cooperation with our amazing partners from Graz, Linz and Vienna (Austria), Linköping (Sweden), Zagreb (Croatia), Brno and Nove Hrady (Czech Republic).


Our research focusses on different disciplines of biophysics. We conduct research on the role of calcium in gene regulation and cell signaling, in the field of brain tumor treatment and stimulation of neurons with organic semiconductors. You find more information and important publications in each research section.